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Responsive MathJAX Website Creator




Bootstrap Author is a Responsive HTML Bootstrap and MathJAX Editor for scientists to publish technical content on desktop, mobile and tablets.  The future is different everything has changed.  Print is history, in the future researchers access content in a web based manner with richness of the web and interactivity.  Also instant distribution  of content with no delay has become a reality.  Scientisits can earn money like vloggers and instagrammers publishing free content to generate millions of page views and sell clickthrough ads that lead to transactions.  Authors publishing one article per week can achieve $10 CPM (Cost per mille) and earn an income.

Weekly Impressions | Annual Income

50,000 | $24,000

100,000 | $48,000

200,000 | $96,000

500,000 | $240,000

1,000,000 | $480,000

A market oportunity for designers is converting existing academic articles and science books for phone and tablet.

$150B - 50,000,000 Academic articles avg 30pages X $100

$15B - 500,000 Existing books avg 300pages X $100

And yes, HTML can now hold a LaTeX compatible structure by employing stylesheets as you may observe

<div class='section'>

   <div class='textContent'>


      Text and doc content...




No-code, WYSIWYG, Easy

Create websites with math to publish on mobile phones with MathJAX, import LaTeX file like Roses.tex demo on download and it converts it into a mobile responsive HTML page with fluid grids automatically and you may edit further. Now designers and scientists can collaborate, designers can create templates and scientists can import and autofit LaTeX file to template design. Included is folder /Autofit_Template/Math_Template.web to experiment! *NOTE: Latest upload displays column header images on Plain LaTeX Import and has improved LyX parser!

At Bootstrap Author we want to empower scientists and engineers and educators to create content quickly, and architect the lifestyles of future and present civilizations.  We believe that the internet will advance human civilization and bring equality to all ethnic groups, and to achieve this we must make content available on all platforms, from different operating systems, desktops, to mobile, and tablets.


The market for Web Author is $35billion per year:

- 200 million high schoolers $20b market

- 200 million university students 50% study maths so $10b market

- 10 million scientists $1b market

- 10 million engineers $1b market


- 50 million science & engineering workforce $5b market


There are 2million engineering graduates per year by 2060 there will be 3billion STEM users (1.8B high schoolers + 600M tertiary + 200M teachers + 100M scientists + 200M engineers) to achieve 300M paying users, generate $45B revenue and achieve $1 Trillion market cap like Adobe at age 80 when the richest in the world have amassed $12 trillion. It is sound thinking as by 2060 there are projections of 600mln university students and possibly 100mln STEM graduates and additional design graduates pyear to fuel astronomic growth. As we know sounds very reallistic as Google G-Suite amassed 1billion active monthly users in current times. Expanding to compete in the productivity market with companies like ZOHO Google and Mirosoft with non scientific users can also prove to be profitable. 

Through this site i am seeking investment funding, feedback, bug reports, and feature requests.


Seeking invesrment for refining work to derive diversified publishing software for LaTeX / XML / Desktop Publishing.


Task / staff requirement

1. Template designer & Javascript guru

2. Javascript programmer DOM and form manipulator

3. Graphics effects developer

4. GUI Developer

5. XML transformation developer for import prototype upgrade

6. OLE developer for DTP derival

7. Scientist technical writer director of certification

8. Tester

9. Lead developer

10. Sales and marketing manager


The refinement can be concluded in 3 months.


I value the existing technology at $500million as it can become a $1billion+ revenue company.


Theoretically i would give up 50% control stake for $250million invesrment but im willing to discount and offer investors 20% control for $50million capital injection.


Within 5years if sales grow to $200million the company will be worth $2billion and the investment will valuate to $400million. And within 10years if the product line diversifies the company revenue could grow to $1billion and market cap will be worth $15billion and the investor will exit with $3billion from a $50million capital injection.



Executable RAR file

Free demo exe prototype file for Web Author Editor

Professor que escreve uma fórmula em um


Mr Danilo Stélio Manhiça

Bairro Triunfo, Maputo


+258 84 8128 705 or +258 85 788 0800

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Protótipo de design

+258 84 8128 705 or +258 85 788 0800

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©2020 por Bootstrap Author. Orgulhosamente criado com

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